
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cara Transform Windows Vista to Mac OS X Leopard

Download. Developed by Ajid, this Transformation pack lets the Vista’s pathetic glory go away in minutes. I remmend using the same dock: ObjectDock for the Dock at bottom. [Dock Skin: OS X Leopard for ObjectDock by ~Ajid though you are free to choose your option. Do checkout optional things you can do with this theme at author’s page.

Cara Transform Windows 7 to Mac OS X Leopard

Download – Developed by Ajid, is relatively easier. Leopard OSX for Win 7 RC V2 visual style, a Windows themes can transform  your transform windows 7 desktop to Mac Os X leopard.  This Windows 7 Mac OSX leopard is developed by one of deviantart user and this Leopard OS X theme will only work with Windows 7 build 7100.
Download Windows 7 Leopard OSX Theme for Windows 7 RC Build 7100 ( Notes: Developer has take down the development)